Identify the formula
Secondary education
Identify the formula (parabola)
Which formula belongs to which graph?
Level: Secondary education
Secondary education
Statistics: Center and Spread
Centre and spread show the frequency with which specific data occurs in a group.
This tells you about the characteristics of elements in a group.
Level: Secondary education
Drawing in space
Higher secondary education
Drawing in space
Use a 3D tool to draw shapes in a transparent cube.
Level: Higher secondary education
Havo/VWO klas 4 en 5
Differentiation, introduction
When you change the independent variable in a function, the dependent variable changes too.
You can describe this change precisely by differentiating the function.
Level: Higher secondary education
Exponential and logarithmic functions
Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
Exponential and logarithmic functions
You can use graphic tools to examine these functions which play a role in growth and decline in nature.
Level: Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
About exponential equations
Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
About exponential equations
In an exponential equation, the unknown element is the exponent of the power.
You can solve these equations in stages.
Level: Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
Background to integral calculus
Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
Background to integral calculus
Integrals are used to calculate totals.
Like the total area of a graph, or the content of an oval swimming pool.
Level: Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
About logarithmic equations
Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
About logarithmic equations
In logarithmic equations, the unknown element is in the argument or in the base of a logarithm.
You can solve these equations in stages.
Level: Higher secondary education, university undergraduate
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