The course series can be used to augment or even to partially replace regular books.
In the Statistics course series students can insert specific statistics in their own data sets. Data is clearly presented in the selected interactive tables and graphs and summarized in index numbers. The material in this course series was developed jointly with SLO.
This course series is designed for lower secondary education and encompasses around eight lessons, half of which in the computer room. Students also do homework on the home computer. The material combines a printed and a digital exercise book. See also: Tool Use project site.
This series can be used throughout the year and can replace (parts of) chapters. They are suitable for lower secundary education. Course series starts with sums; it introduces sums with letters in the context of length, area, volume and follows through to the calculation of formulas and expressions, terms, factors and exponents. Using the area model, formulas with brackets are reduced to formulas without brackets. This is followed by the use of multiplication tables.
Mathematics B Review
Although this material was developed for a summer mathematics course for first year chemistry students, it is ideal as a review exercise for advanced level mathematics B in the final years of secondary school. The series offers modules on subjects such as Algebra Skills, Functions, Goniometry, Differentiation, Exponents and Logarithms, Integration and Complex Numbers. Each module includes theory about the subject and a lager number of exercises.
Linear Equations
This module is suitable for lower secundary education. In the module students learn about linear equations and how to solve them. For this pupose they will be using the balance method.
Quadratic equations
This module is suitable for lower secundary school education. In it students learn about quadratic equations and different ways to solve these, such as reducing to 0 and the product-sum method.
Meaningful Lines
This module designed for lower education is about subjects such as perpendicular bisectors, bisectors, median and altitude. It also touches on the geometrical constructions in which these lines play a role.