Terms of Service numworx.nl website
Use of the Numworx website is subject to the following conditions and restrictions. Access to and use of this site means that the user has agreed to the following terms.
All liability for any damage which might be incurred as a result of access to and use of the website is disclaimed by Numworx Solutions, Utrecht University and Freudenthal Institute. No guarantee is given for the faultless and uninterrupted functioning of the site.
No guarantee is given, either explicitly or implicitly, in regard of the accuracy or completeness of the information published on the site or to which the site provide access. Numworx Solutions, Utrecht University and Freudenthal Institute accept no responsibility whatsoever for the information and/or functionalities published on the site or to which access is provided via the site.
All data shown on the website, including, but not limited to, text, photographs, illustrations, graphics, trade names, logos, product and service trademarks are the property of or licensed by Numworx Solutions, Utrecht University and Freudenthal Institute and are protected by intellectual property law. These (intellectual) property rights are in no way transferable to persons or legal persons who have access to the site.
The user of the site is not permitted to reproduce, change, remove, pass on, distribute or disseminate the information on the site or make it available to third parties in exchange for payment without a prior express written permission of Numworx Solutions.
References or hyperlinks to other sites which are not the property of Numworx Solutions, Utrecht University or Freudenthal Institute are only included for the information of the user of the site. No guarantee whatsoever is given nor any liability is accepted with regard to the content of such sites.
Privacy statement
Your online privacy is important to us. Numworx follows the below mentioned privacy policy.
We use Google Analytics to evaluate and improve numworx.nl
• Numworx Solutions follows the Google Data Processing Agreement
• We do not share personal data with Google
• Website data is processed anonymously. This also goes for IP-adresses of website visitors
• We do not use personal data for advertising puposes
The Numworx applications
Numworx Solutions stores as few personal data as possible. We only store what is explicitly needed for our applications to function correctly.
You have a personal Numworx (Free) account
Did you request your Numworx account directly through our website? Then you can obtain information about privacy matters, gain access to your data, or request changes or deletions with the contact form on this website.
You obtained your login through an (educational) organisation
The organisation that provided your login can supply you with information about privacy matters, grant access to your data, or perform changes or deletions. Please contact this organisation.
Numworx applications
Information about the Terms of use for our products can be found here.